Holistic Offerings

  • 1:1 Heartwork

    This is for those that believe in being held by someone in their feelings. For those that do so much, are lights to so many, and want a little extra space to be heard.

  • Tarot with T

    I ask the cards everything. Source guides my connection between you and your ancestors as we uncover your gifts and see your highest self.

  • Transitional Mark-making

    In times of transition, we look to remember, and also to move through. Commemorate your transition with a temporary or permanent mark, intuited with intention.

  • Creative Coaching

    Our desires are important. How do we prioritize our passions while transitioning out of overwork? How can we work with our desires to further develop our creativity and live our natural designs?

    Together we can collaborate together on the work/rest equation—finding the right balance that works for you while centering your deepest desires.

  • Grief/Trauma Support

    To know grief is to know love. Grief is the final act of love we give to the moments and people that have died. We will create memorials for what/who has died (including our past selves), and work with them to process the things we can no longer hold inside us. Let the Anitos we create together hold these big feelings.

    Anito translates to ancestor spirit. In precolonial Philippines, totems were made for these spirits where family and spirit could care for each other symbiotically. The dolls we create together remember this practice and hold space for continued connection to/with our past—honoring that grieving is a life long process.

  • Collective Mediation

    Community building is essential to collective liberation. I hold space for the individual and the collective through moments of tension. I notice patterns of grief and channel solutions, trusting that what’s good for one is good for all.

    Collective Mediation is guided by the same guidelines that support HypoFutures, a POC Queer space amplifying inclusive and diverse art & design.

  • Death Cafés

    A death cafe is an intimate peer-led space where people can come and share around any aspect of death and dying in a group setting. The space is facilitated with gentle space-holding that encourages participation (no matter how small) by all and does not shy away from awkward silences. We are not here to fix anyone’s grief but to make space to hold it for a short while with you.

    Often times, these spaces have been generative in navigating life/relationship changes and accessing memories, not necessarily tied to physical death.

    Death Cafés are a free offering, please email trishia@hypofutures.com to inquire.

HypoFutures Guidelines

We begin with death. We begin with grief. We remember with gratitude. In order to become new, a part of oneself must die. To know grief, is to know love. No one is left behind or forgotten.

— HypoFutures Guideline #1

We know more than we know. We don’t know all, but together we know a lot.

— HypoFutures Guideline #2

We honor puddles. We honor goop. We honor process above all else.

— HypoFutures Guideline #3

We hold our experiments gently—knowing our flaws are what make up the meat.

— HypoFutures Guideline #4

Even parties are prayer. We meet at our alter. There will be food, there will be laughter, there will be joy.

— HypoFutures Guideline #5